Adaptable Automation & Employee Experience

As automation continues to advance and permeate the workplace, organizations are grappling with how to integrate these technologies in a way that optimizes efficiency and productivity while still empowering and engaging employees. One promising approach that has emerged in recent years is adaptable automation, which allows workers to dynamically adjust the level of automated support they receive based on their needs and preferences.

A recent study by Rieth et al. (2024) sheds light on the potential benefits of this approach. The researchers compared three types of automation - static information automation, static decision automation, and adaptable automation - and found that the latter had significant advantages in terms of employee autonomy and satisfaction. By giving workers the ability to switch between different levels of automated support as needed, adaptable systems fostered a greater sense of control and empowerment compared to more rigid approaches.

To illustrate these different types of automation, consider a few real-world examples:

  1. Static information automation: A customer service chatbot that provides pre-written responses based on keywords in the customer's inquiry. While this can handle simple, routine questions, it may struggle with more complex or nuanced issues.
  2. Static decision automation: An algorithmic trading system that automatically executes trades based on predefined rules and market conditions. While efficient, it may not be able to adapt to unexpected events or incorporate human judgment.
  3. Adaptable automation: A medical diagnosis tool that provides automated recommendations based on patient data, but allows doctors to override or modify those recommendations based on their expertise and the specifics of each case.

An Example at the Dentist

Last week, during a routine dental check-up, I had a first-hand experience with adaptable automation in action. After reviewing my X-rays, the dentist pointed out that the AI assistant in his software had detected signs of early cavity formation in one of my teeth. However, rather than following the AI's recommendation, he took a more nuanced approach.

The dentist asked if I had been experiencing any sensitivity in the affected tooth, which I hadn't. He then explained that if it were his tooth, he wouldn't rush to intervene at this stage. Instead, he recommended that we schedule a follow-up X-ray in six months to monitor the situation. If the cavity showed signs of growth at that point, we could then discuss treatment options.

This experience illustrates the power of adaptable automation in a healthcare setting. The AI assistant was a valuable tool, alerting the dentist to a potential issue that might have gone unnoticed. However, the dentist retained the autonomy to interpret this information in the context of my specific case and use his professional judgment to determine the best course of action.

By striking a balance between automated analysis and the wisdom of human expertise, the dentist was able to provide personalized, patient-centric care. He didn't just blindly defer to the AI's recommendation, but he also didn't discount it entirely. Instead, he used it as one data point among many, synthesizing it with his knowledge and experience to arrive at a tailored treatment plan.

This example highlights the potential of adaptable automation to enhance, rather than replace, human decision-making in complex domains like healthcare. When designed and implemented thoughtfully, these systems can provide valuable insights and support while empowering professionals to exercise their expertise and judgment. The result is a more collaborative, nuanced approach to problem-solving that leverages the strengths of both humans and machines.

Considerations & Implications

As AI and machine learning technologies continue to advance, they may become increasingly capable of handling complex situations and accommodating nuances and variability that currently require human intervention. In the future, sophisticated AI systems could potentially make decisions and recommendations that are more accurate, reliable, and trusted than those made by humans, leading to a significant shift in the role of humans in the workplace.

Some argue that there will always be a need for human judgment and oversight, particularly in situations with significant human consequences or ethical implications. However, the future of work will be increasingly mediated by technology. As such, organizations and individuals alike should approach the integration of automation with a mix of optimism and pragmatism.

On one hand, the growing capabilities of AI and automation hold immense potential to enhance efficiency, productivity, and innovation across a wide range of industries and job functions. Organizations may be able to achieve new levels of performance and competitiveness while freeing up human workers to focus on higher-level tasks that require creativity, empathy, and strategic thinking. That's the hope, at least.

The increasing role of technology in mediating our work raises important questions and challenges that should be addressed. As automated systems become more sophisticated and autonomous, there is a risk that they could perpetuate biases, make decisions that are misaligned with human values or have unintended consequences that negatively impact workers and society as a whole.

To mitigate these risks and ensure that the benefits of automation are realized equitably and sustainably, technologists, business leaders, and policymakers should engage in ongoing dialogue and collaboration. This may involve developing new frameworks for ethical AI, redesigning jobs and organizational structures to support human-machine collaboration, and investing in education and training programs to help workers adapt to a changing technological landscape.

Ultimately, the future of work in an age of automation will depend on our ability to strike a balance between the power of these technologies and the unique value that human workers bring to the table. We should design systems that are adaptable, transparent, and accountable. Humans and machines will continue working together. It's unavoidable. Our goal is to make sure this future is both productive and fulfilling.

For technology professionals and digital leaders, in particular, this moment represents a significant opportunity and responsibility. As the architects of the systems and tools that will increasingly shape the employee experience, we have the power to influence the trajectory of automation in profound ways. We can enhance rather than replace human capabilities, and help to create a future of work that is more engaging, empowering, and human-centric.

As with any major technological shift, there will be disruptions and unintended consequences along the way. Not everyone will benefit equally from the changes that lie ahead. It will take ongoing effort, experimentation, and adaptation to navigate these complexities and ensure that the benefits of automation are widely shared.

Despite these challenges, there is reason for optimism. By embracing the potential of adaptable automation and human-centric design, we can create more innovative, equitable, and productive workplaces. But, we will need to remain committed to the guiding principle that technology should serve as a tool for empowering and enhancing the human experience, rather than diminishing or replacing it.